The source of this document is available on gitlab.
Last version: 2020-08-25

Jupyter: tips and tricks, installing and configuring

Once you will have followed all these installation instructions, you will be able to run jupyter notebooks by simply typing in a shell/DOS command:

jupyter notebook

Table of Contents

Jupyter tips and tricks

The following webpage lists several Jupyter tricks (in particular, it illustrates many IPython magic commands) that should improve your efficiency (note that this blog post is about two years old so some of the tricks may have been integrated in the default behavior of Jupyter now).

Creating or importing a notebook

Using the Jupyter environment we deployed for this MOOC will allow to easily access any file from your default GitLab project. There are situations however where you may want to play with other notebooks.

Adding a brand new notebook in a given directory

Simply follow the following steps:

  1. From the menu: File -> Open. You're now in the Jupyter file manager.

  2. Navigate to the directory where you want your notebook to be created.

  3. Then from the top right button: New -> Notebook: Python 3.

  4. Give your notebook a name from the menu: File -> Rename.

    N.B.: If you create a file by doing File -> New Notebook -> Python 3, the new notebook will be created in the current directory. Moving it afterward is possible but a bit cumbersome (you'll have to go through the Jupyter file manager by following the menu File -> Open, then select it, Shut it down, and Move and/or Rename).

Importing an already existing notebook

If your notebook is already in your GitLab project, then simply synchronize by using the Git pull button and use the File -> Open menu. Otherwise, imagine, you want to import the following notebook from someone else's repository to re-execute it.

  1. Download the file on your computer. E.g., for this GitLab hosted notebook, click on Open raw (a small </> within a document icon) and save (Ctrl-S on most browsers) the content (a long JSON text file).
  2. Open the Jupyter file manager from the menu File -> Open and navigate to the directory where you want to upload your notebook.
  3. Then from the top right button, Upload the previously downloaded notebook and confirm the upload.
  4. Open the freshly uploaded notebook through the Jupyter file manager.

You will find here a list of jupyter notebooks that illustrate how different languages (python, R, SAS) can be used in Jupyter.

Running R and Python in the same notebook

It used to be impossible with earlier versions of Jupyter but it is now very easy thanks to the the rpy2 package (see the details of the installation procedurer in the corresponding section below) that allows you to use both languages in the same notebook. Simply open a new python notebook and follow these instructions:

  1. Loading rpy2:

  2. Using the %R Ipython magic:

    Python objects can then even be passed to R as follows (assuming df is a pandas dataframe):

Note that this %%R notation indicates that R should be used for the whole cell but an other possibility is to use %R to have a single line of R within a python cell.

Here is an notebook example using both R et Python

Other languages

Jupyter is not limited to Python and R. Many other languages are available:, including non-free languages like SAS, Mathematica, Matlab… Note that the maturity of these kernels differs widely.

None of these other languages have been deployed in the context of our MOOC but you may want to read the next sections to learn how to set up your own Jupyter on your computer and benefit from these extensions.


SAS is a proprietary statistical software which is very commonly used in health research. Since the question was asked several times, if you really need to stay with SAS, you should know that SAS can be used within Jupyter using either the Python SASKernel (similar to the IRKernel) or the Python SASPy package (similar to the rpy2 package).

Since proprietary software such as SAS cannot easily be inspected, we discourage its use as it hinders reproducibility by essence. But perfection does not exist anyway and using Jupyter literate programming approach allied with systematic control version and environment control will certainly help anyway.



Improving notebook readability

Many plugins can make your life easier when using Jupyter. The official ones are gathered here

Here are a few ones that can ease your life:

Installing and configuring Jupyter on your computer

In this section, we explain how to set up a Jupyter environment on your own computer similar to the one deployed for this MOOC.

Installing Jupyter (plus Python, R, …)

First, download the most recent version of Miniconda. Miniconda is a lightweight edition of Anaconda, a software distribution that includes Python, R, Jupyter, and many popular libraries for scientific computing and data science.

On our server, we use version 4.5.4 of Miniconda and versio 3.6 of Python. In theory, you could download the environment file mooc_rr and reproduce an identical environment on your own computer. Unfortunately, our server was set up in 2018, and conda has changed quite a bit since then. Reconstructing this environment is therefore no longer possible. We will show you in the following how to get an equivalent environment but using more recent versions of all the software.

Install Miniconda following the supplied instructions. Whenever (it it not systematic) the installer asks you the question

Do you wish the installer to initialize Miniconda3 by running conda init? [yes|no]

answer yes. You will then see the advice

=> For changes to take effect, close and re-open your current shell. <=

which you must respect to make sure that the following steps work correctly.

Important: You should then run all the following commands through the conda shell. As explained in the Anaconda documentation, to open the Anaconda prompt:

The first command to run next is

conda update -n base -c defaults conda

which updates all the software in the conda distribution.

We can now create a conda environment for the RStudio path of out MOOC:

conda create -n mooc-rr-jupyter

and activate it:

conda activate mooc-rr-jupyter

It is not strictly necessary to activate an environment in order to use it, but doing so makes the use of the environment easier and less error prone. You have to perform this activation step every time you open a new terminal, before you can work with the environment.

The next step is the installation of all software packages we need and which are in the Miniconda distribution:

conda install jupyter python numpy matplotlib pandas r r-irkernel rpy2 tzlocal simplegeneric

We also need two packages that is not in Miniconda. We request the first one from the independent package source conda-forge:

conda install -c conda-forge r-parsedate

and the second one from the main Python code repository, PyPI:

pip install isoweek

You can now start Jupyter:

jupyter notebook

and work with our examples and exercises.

LaTeX for generating PDF files

For exporting your notebooks as PDF files, you must also install LaTeX on your system. We describe this process in a separate resource.

Interacting with GitLab and git

To ease your experience, we added pull/push buttons that allow you to commit and sync with GitLab. This development was specific to the MOOC but inspired from a previous proof of concept. We have recently discovered that someone else developed about at the same time a rather generic version of this Jupyter plugin. Otherwise, remember that it is very easy to insert a shell cell in Jupyter in which you can easily issue git commands. This is how we work most of the time. If you choose this solution, you will have to configure Git on your computer. To do this, you can follow the video Configure git for Gitlab and read the document Git and GitLab.

This being said, you may have noticed that Jupyter keeps a perfect track of the sequence in which cells have been run by updating the "output index". This is a very good property from the reproducibility point of view but depending on your usage, you may find it a bit painful when committing. Some people have thus developed specific git hooks to ignore these numbers when committing Jupyter notebooks. There is a long an interesting discussion about various options on StackOverflow, the Jupyter Forum, and in NextJournal

For those who use JupyterLab rather than the plain Jupyter, a specific JupyterLab git plugin has been developed to offer a nice version control experience.