The source of this document is available on gitlab.
Last version: 2019-03-28

Analyzing my journal's keywords

I'm a lucky person as I do not have to account too precisely for how much time I spend working on such or such topic. This is good as I really like my freedom and I feel I would not like having to monitor my activity on a daily basis. However, as you may have noticed in the videos of this module, I keep track of a large amount of information in my journal and I tag them (most of the time). So I thought it might be interesting to see whether these tags could reveal something about the evolution of my professional interest. I have no intention to deduce anything really significant from a statistical point of view, in particular as I know my tagging rigor and the tag semantic has evolved through time. So it will be purely exploratory..

Data Processing and Curation

My journal is stored in /home/alegrand/org/ Level 1 entries (1 star) indicate the year. Level 2 entries (2 stars) indicate the month. Level 3 entries (3 stars) indicate the day and finally entries with a depth larger than 3 are generally the important ones and indicate on what I've been working on this particular day. These are the entries that may be tagged. The tags appear in the end of theses lines and are surrounded with :.

So let's try to extract the lines with exactly three * in the beginning of the line (the date) and those that start with a * and end with tags (between : and possibly followed by spaces). The corresponding regular expression is not perfect but it is a first attempt and will give me an idea of how much parsing and string processing I'll have to do.

grep -e '^\*\*\* ' -e '^\*.*:.*: *$' ~/org/ | tail -n 20
*** 2018-06-01 vendredi
**** CP Inria du 01/06/18                                  :POLARIS:INRIA:
*** 2018-06-04 lundi
*** 2018-06-07 jeudi
**** The Cognitive Packet Network - Reinforcement based Network Routing with Random Neural Networks (Erol Gelenbe) :Seminar:
*** 2018-06-08 vendredi
**** The credibility revolution in psychological science: the view from an editor's desk (Simine Vazire, UC DAVIS) :Seminar:
*** 2018-06-11 lundi
**** LIG leaders du 11 juin 2018                             :POLARIS:LIG:
*** 2018-06-12 mardi
**** geom_ribbon with discrete x scale                                  :R:
*** 2018-06-13 mercredi
*** 2018-06-14 jeudi
*** 2018-06-20 mercredi
*** 2018-06-21 jeudi
*** 2018-06-22 vendredi
**** Discussion Nicolas Benoit (TGCC, Bruyère)                    :SG:WP4:
*** 2018-06-25 lundi
*** 2018-06-26 mardi
**** Point budget/contrats POLARIS                         :POLARIS:INRIA:

OK, that's not so bad. There are actually many entries that are not tagged. Never mind! There are also often several tags for a same entry and several entries for a same day. If I want to add the date in front of each key word, I'd rather use a real language rather than trying to do it only with shell commands. I'm old-school so I'm more used to using Perl than using Python. Amusingly, it is way easier to write (it took me about 5 minutes) than to read… ☺

open INPUT, "/home/alegrand/org/" or die $_;
open OUTPUT, "> ./org_keywords.csv" or die;
print OUTPUT "Date,Keyword\n";
%skip = my %params = map { $_ => 1 } ("", "ATTACH", "Alvin", "Fred", "Mt", "Henri", "HenriRaf");

while(defined($line=<INPUT>)) {
    if($line =~ '^\*\*\* (20[\d\-]*)') {
    if($line =~ '^\*.*(:\w*:)\s*$') {
    if($date eq "") { next;}
    foreach $k (@kw) {
        if(exists($skip{$k})) { next;}
        print OUTPUT "$date,$k\n";

Let's check the result:

head org_keywords.csv
echo "..."
tail org_keywords.csv

Awesome! That's exactly what I wanted.

Basic Statistics

Again, I'm much more comfortable using R than using Python. I'll try not to reinvent the wheel and I'll use the tidyverse packages as soon as they appear useful. Let's start by reading data::

library(lubridate) # à installer via install.package("tidyverse")

Attachement du package : ‘lubridate’

The following object is masked from ‘package:base’:


Attachement du package : ‘dplyr’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:lubridate’:

    intersect, setdiff, union

The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

    filter, lag

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

What does it look like ?

'data.frame':   566 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ Date   : Factor w/ 420 levels "2011-02-08","2011-02-17",..: 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
 $ Keyword: Factor w/ 36 levels "Argonne","autotuning",..: 22 3 36 36 36 30 30 29 29 36 ...
 $ Year   : num  2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 ...
         Date         Keyword         Year     
 2011-02-08:  5   WP4     : 77   Min.   :2011  
 2016-01-06:  5   POLARIS : 56   1st Qu.:2013  
 2016-03-29:  5   R       : 48   Median :2016  
 2017-12-11:  5   LIG     : 40   Mean   :2015  
 2017-12-12:  5   Teaching: 38   3rd Qu.:2017  
 2016-01-26:  4   WP7     : 36   Max.   :2018  
 (Other)   :537   (Other) :271

Types appear to be correct. 568 entries. Nothing strange, let's keep going.

df %>% group_by(Keyword, Year) %>% summarize(Count=n()) %>% 
   ungroup() %>% arrange(Keyword,Year) -> df_summarized
# A tibble: 120 x 3
   Keyword     Year Count
   <fct>      <dbl> <int>
 1 Argonne     2012     4
 2 Argonne     2013     6
 3 Argonne     2014     4
 4 Argonne     2015     1
 5 autotuning  2012     2
 6 autotuning  2014     1
 7 autotuning  2016     4
 8 Blog        2011     2
 9 Blog        2012     6
10 Blog        2013     4
# ... with 110 more rows

Let's start by counting how many annotations I do per year:

df_summarized_total_year = df_summarized %>% group_by(Year) %>% summarize(Cout=sum(Count))
# A tibble: 8 x 2
   Year  Cout
  <dbl> <int>
1  2011    24
2  2012    57
3  2013    68
4  2014    21
5  2015    80
6  2016   133
7  2017   135
8  2018    48

Good. It looks like I'm improving over time. 2014 was a bad year and I apparently forgot to review and tag on a regular basis.

Tags are free so maybe some tags are scarcely used. Let's have a look.

df_summarized %>% group_by(Keyword) %>% summarize(Count=sum(Count)) %>%  arrange(Count) %>%
         Keyword Count
1       Gradient     1
2          LaTeX     1
3         Orange     1
4             PF     1
5        twitter     2
6            WP1     2
7            WP6     2
8   Epistemology     3
9           BULL     4
10 Vulgarization     4
11      Workload     4
12    GameTheory     5
13      noexport     5
14    autotuning     7
15        Python     7
16         Stats     7
17           WP0     7
18            SG     8
19           git     9
20     HACSPECIS    10
21          Blog    12
22         BOINC    12
23          HOME    12
24           WP3    12
25       OrgMode    14
26       Argonne    15
27        Europe    18
28       Seminar    28
29           WP8    28
30         INRIA    30
31           WP7    36
32      Teaching    38
33           LIG    40
34             R    48
35       POLARIS    56
36           WP4    77

OK, in the following, I'll restrict to the tags that appear at least three times.

Nice Looking Graphics

Ideally, I would define a semantic and a hierarchy for my tags but I'm running out of time. Since I've decided to remove rare tags, I'll also count the total number of tags to get an idea of how much information I've lost. Let's try a first representation:

df_summarized %>% filter(Count > 3) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=Year, y=Count)) + 
    geom_bar(aes(fill=Keyword),stat="identity") + 
    geom_point(data=df_summarized %>% group_by(Year) %>% summarize(Count=sum(Count))) +

Aouch! This is very hard to read, in particular because of the many different colors and the continuous palette that prevents to distinguish between tags. Let's try an other palette ("Set1") where colors are very different. Unfortunately there are only 9 colors in this palette so I'll first have to select the 9 more frequent tags.

frequent_keywords = df_summarized %>% group_by(Keyword) %>% 
    summarize(Count=sum(Count)) %>%  arrange(Count) %>% %>% tail(n=9)

df_summarized %>% filter(Keyword %in% frequent_keywords$Keyword) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=Year, y=Count)) + 
    geom_bar(aes(fill=Keyword),stat="identity") + 
    geom_point(data=df_summarized %>% group_by(Year) %>% summarize(Count=sum(Count))) +
    theme_bw() + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1")

OK. That's much better. It appears like the administration part (Inria, LIG, POLARIS) and the teaching part (Teaching) increases. The increasing usage of the R tag is probably reflecting my improvement in using this tool. The evolution of the Seminar tag is meaningless as I only recently started to systematically tag my seminar notes. The WP tags are related to a former ANR project but I've kept using the same annotation style (WP4 = performance evaluation of HPC systems, WP7 = data analysis and visualization, WP8 = design of experiments/experiment engines/reproducible research…). WP4 is decreasing but it is because most of the work on this topic is now in my students' labbbooks since they are doing all the real work which I'm mostly supervising.

Well, such kind of exploratory analysis would not be complete without a wordcloud (most of the time completely unreadable but also so hype! ☺). To this end, I followed the ideas presented in this blog post:

library(wordcloud) # à installer via install.package("wordcloud")
pal2 <- brewer.pal(8,"Dark2")
df_summarized %>% group_by(Keyword) %>% summarize(Count=sum(Count)) -> df_summarized_keyword
wordcloud(df_summarized_keyword$Keyword, df_summarized_keyword$Count,
     random.order=FALSE, rot.per=.15, colors=pal2, vfont=c("sans serif","plain"))

Voilà! It is "nice" but rather useless, especially with so few words and such a poor semantic.